Who needs Oxygen Therapy
If you suffer from certain diseases such as COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) or lung diseases these may lead to decrease in blood oxygen levels.

Oxygen Desaturation Symptoms
# Level of SPO2 is < 95% (normal level between
to 99%)
# Increased heart rate.
# Rapid breathing.
# Shortness of breath.
# Changes in the color of the skin, ranging from blue to cherry red.
# Sweating.
# Wheezing.

Oxygen Treatment
After seeking your physician we will deliver the oxygen concentrator machine to your place. We will make sure that you are comfortable using oxygen concentrator, we will then demonstrate how to use the machine and explain the expected outcomes and benefits.
The oxygen requirement must be respected imperatively (flow rate, duration of treatment and number of hours of use per day) to obtain the benefits of treatment. You will also receive all accessories and supplies as needed.
Oxygen can help the patient’s symptoms by:
# Reducing the rapid breathing
# Improving the amount of exercise or activity they can do
# Improving ability to sleep
# Improving quality of life
# Increasing their level of comfort

Ask your doctor
You should ask your doctor before using oxygen concentrator device